Unicycle + Juggling – 20% Project Week 3

My name is Graham, and for my twenty percent project, I choose learning how to juggle while unicycling as my skill to learn, because of coarse I did. Honestly the task has been daunting. Not really the juggling part, that part was easy, the hard part was the unicycling. It was already hard enough learning how to ride the stupid thing but I also had to do it with six practices a week for three hours, AND BOY SCOUTS, but finally this week I conquered the unicycle. Of coarse not really I can’t even ride it without some kind of wall but it was progress. Next week was supposed to be the week I learn how to add in the juggling part but I doubt I will be ready for that by he time that I have to start, so I will likely just keep riding the cycle until it’s easy.

Unicycle + Juggling – 20% Project Week 2

My name is Graham, for my twenty percent project I decided that I wanted to learn how to juggle while riding a unicycle. I picked this as my twenty percent project because my uncle gave me a unicycle for Christmas, and I really wanted to learn how to ride it instead of just leaving it in my dusty garage. Last week I successfully learned how to juggle with three balls instead of two, but I was having more trouble this week with something else. This week was one of the two weeks I gave myself to learn how to ride the unicycle, but I couldn’t even keep myself stable on it, and now I have to adjust my whole schedule because of this week because I couldn’t even keep myself balanced. I’m hoping next week I can do much better on riding the unicycle because if I don’t then I won’t achieve my goal.

Unicycle + Juggling – 20% Project Week 1

Hello, my name is Graham, and I decided I want my twenty percent project to be learning how to juggle while riding a unicycle. This week was a good first week because I fixed my juggling. I had to watch some YouTube videos because I already knew how to juggle two balls but three was an entirely different technic, and was significantly harder. It was a huge struggle switching from two to three balls, and I dropped the ball onto my back, and head several times before even getting through one cycle let alone starting the second, but I accomplished it while still staying on schedule. I even learned it on almost the first day I tried it, and was able to perform for my family on Easter. Next week I will start on ridding my unicycle, and think it will take two weeks to accomplish this task, but I think it would be really fun to know how to ride.

My Dream Job

If I could have any job in existence I would pick to be a famous actor. The reason I would pick this is because famous actors have a fun job. My favorite show ever was Stranger Things, and when I watched season four I thought that it would be fun if I could be on the show, I looked through acting websites and asked my parents to sign me up but when I got my headshots Stranger Things had already cast the fifth season. Another reason why being an actor would be great is because of the money, for an example I will use Millie Bobby Brown or eleven in Stranger Things. Her net worth is fourteen million as of twenty twenty three. Last year her net worth was sixteen million. And my final reason why I would want to be an actor is because often the sets have fun little things on them, like one scene in Stranger Things. In one scene Eleven, the main character, is falling into darkness and she is spinning in twisting in pitch black. To me it sounds like a roller coaster, kinda like slingshot but a little different.

Rad Reading March

for this months rad reading I read The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa. The iron daughter is the second book in a series. This book starts out with a girl named Meghan, who is the daughter of the summer faery king, trapped in the castle of the winter land named Tir Na Nog she is there because she made a deal with the winter price that ended in her capture. The scepter of seasons which is a scepter that enhances the power of the person wielding it is being passed from summer to winter. And then the scepter is stolen from winter by the Iron Fey. A kingdom of iron faeries that popped up in the last book. They were a problem because the normal fey are deadly allergic to iron. the scepter is stolen and summer is blamed which starts a was but Meghan and the ice prince leave to get the scepter. Over the trip the ice prince shows Meghan that he loves her and Meghan loves him too. Eventually the meet puck and the ice prince leaves because he thinks Meghan loves puck. When puck and Meghan try to go back to Arcadia, the land of summer, Meghan has a summoning performed on her. A summoning is when some who you owe a favor cashes out your favor and magically summons you. Meghan meets up with Grimalkin, a friend from the last book and Ironhorse, a traitor to the iron king. They all go find a trod, a magical portal that goes from the nevernever to earth, to take them to the location of the scepter but end up in the Queen of spies mansion. After gathering info the go off to get the scepter. What I love about this book is the relationship between characters. I feel the health relationship between some of them and the disdain towards others really adds to the story. My favorite character was Ironhorse because he was so loyal to the right cause, “ PRINCESS.” Abrubtly, he bowed. “IT HAS BEEN AN HONOR. WERE THINGS DIFFERENT, I WOULD GLADLY SERVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME.”

my favorite quote in the whole book is the quote where Ironhorse dies. “It was. . .an honor. . .” He side one last time, as the tiny spots of light flickered once, twice. “. . .my Queen.” Now you think this would be bad because it was sad but it was my favorite because it was right at the climax at the perfect time.

Spring break

For my spring break I had a baseball tournament in Arizona. I play on the Tustin Knights, which is a travel ball team. We left Tustin at around noon on Thursday, and our drive was seven to eight ours long. When we finally reached the hotel I said hello to one of my teammates who was in the lobby, and went to bed. In the mourning I was able to sleep until around nine o’clock but then our coach wanted us to go to the padres angels game. I found my team on the lawn seats and sat down them for the rest of the game, but we had to leave early because our game was right after. The team that we faced was called the dragons and we saw them play the seeds before we played them. Their pitchers were slow and we got a lot of hits off them. I hit one to the outfield but the fielders. got the ball in before I reached second base. The pitcher tried to pick me off at first several times, and scraped up my elbow, but then my teammate hit a triple and I got to home. That was about all the action I got that game. We beat the dragons nine to two. The next team we face was the same day at seven o’clock. They were called the seeds and lost to the dragons so naturally we beat them too. The score was four to one I think. That game ended at around ten o’clock which was the latest time that day the next mourning we had the earliest game having to be there at seven with a thirty minute drive. That game was against turntwo and they beat us around ten to five.we lost but because we lost we had a game at five. O’clock that same day. We went against the sticks. The sticks beat us three to four and we were out of the tournament. That is what I did over spring break.